The Green Collar Difference

Looking for a lawn care service that offers a little bit more?

We do more than mow lawns. We take a step by step approach to provide excellent quality service at every level. Take the guess work out of your lawn care routine and lower your carbon footprint without lifting a finger. Now that’s a difference!

Electric Lawn Care

discover The green collar difference

  • Locally owned and operated. Proud to serve the community we live in.

  • Dedication to professional, dependable, and friendly lawn care service.

  • Sustainable practices for weed control and prevention.

  • Reduced noise around the home and in the neighborhood.

  • Clean air; Drastically lower your personal, household, or businesses carbon footprint

Gas Leaf Blower Vs. Car

it’s a big difference

Switching to electric lawn care service is the easiest way to lower your personal carbon footprint. Two-stroke engines burn dirty and by that I mean they literally burn oil! Electric lawn equipment takes the burn right out of the equation. That’s the Green Collar difference, and the difference that every yard can make.

about Us

Green Collar Lawns is your local provider of electric lawn mowing service and more!

We offer full-suite options including:

  • Ice and snow removal

  • Landscaping

  • Pressure washing

  • Customized lawn maintenance and care

  • Sustainable seeding and fertilization

  • Weed prevention and control

  • Ornamental plant trimming



personalized lawn care

We offer complete lawn care service performed with all-electric equipment. Less noise, no fumes. It’s not all about the tools though, it’s how you use them. At Green collar we pay extra attention to each of our customers needs to provide a customized, thorough, and quality cut, trim, and clean up.


Winter Weather management

+ice and snow removal

Lawns that are cared for throughout the dormant months spring back faster and greener than yards that are left idle. Winter months are an important time to correct issues or imbalances that will only get worse if left untreated.

Winter weather can also cause serious complications. Icy walks and driveways can be a hazard. If you get snowed in, give us a call! We’ve got salt, shovels, and elbow grease on the way!

sustainable seeding and fertilization

We source our seeds from local companies and practice sustainable methods for fertilization. Taking into account the nutrient cycle and geographic conditions of each yard, we plant the seeds for long term growth and health of the lawn, soil, and the chemistry between them.


Tree limbs, shrubs, and bushes

Trimming and removal

A great looking yard is in the details. That’s why we offer trimming and removal of tree limbs, shrubs, bushes, and more. An overgrown hedge can quickly become a thicket without proper maintenance. Consistent trimming and care is our method for maintaining a clean cut lawn.

Weed prevention and control

We use specific methods to remove weeds and other unwanted intruders from from your lawn while not disrupting the nutrient and chemical balance your grass needs to thrive.



Looking to add a little something to your lawn?

Whether you’re adding a flowerbed, walkway, or firepit; We’ve got the know-how to get it done right and on time. Share with us your vision and we’ll work closely with you to bring it to life.


Locally owned and operated, we are committed to providing the highest quality service to our fellow Oklahomans.

Looking for “Lawn Care near me”? That’s all we do! Founded here in OKC we are on a mission to provide the best lawn care service in Oklahoma! This year is THE year to have the best looking lawn on the block, and we are here to help!

To get started please follow the link on the top right side of the screen. All estimates are always free with zero obligation.

Any questions?

Please reach out to us via phone or email.


Contact us

(405) 215-9299

Or, fill out our form here on the site


9am-5pm Monday-Saturday

Closed on Sundays